Sub page

Just as in the popular story, the breadcrumb shows the user the path from the place they currently are to the homepage.  The path from the home page of your site to the page, the user is currently browsing, showing all the intermediate pages. 

Simple Breadcrumbs

The Breadcrumbs displays a trail of links back to the parent pages of the current page, helping users navigate a website.

Custom Separator

Authors can set the breadcrumb separator, whether to show the current page and whether the last element in the breadcrumb is displayed as a link.

Shortened Breadcrumbs

When you do not have the luxury of showing the whole path because it is to long for the space you have you can configure the breadcrumb display a maximum number of characters.

Features and Options

  • Choose whether to replace middle elements with placeholder or always show complete path
  • Set any separator you want
  • Show or hide current page
  • Combine and mix to get the best results