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Each market (or country) that Unilever operates in has a standard set of recognised capabilities that any Unilever site that targets a particular market needs to support (e.g. Ratings & Reviews). In addition, different markets may have different solutions/ suppliers for a capability (e.g. Baazarvoice provide Ratings & Reviews for the US whilst Kritique is the provider for the rest of the world). Being able to configure the standard set of capabilities for an AEM Starter Kit site is known as Market Configuration.

The above screengrab shows the Widget Manager console, with a view of how the specific Contact Us Configuration box may be displayed

Through the console, a user is able to :

  • Select a provider for a specific capability
  • Enter in specific keys that have been provided by the provider to activate the capability
  • View extra information about the specific integration

Details about how to complete each third party activation and the Market Configuration requirements are available on the individual Integration pages in the Library