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Please note that the Site Wizard will not be available for agencies to use directly from launch - please standby for further information

The AEM Starter Kit will include a purpose-built site wizard to automatically build a site from a chosen blueprint. The site wizard built site is used as a starting point to complete content authoring and styling activities to accelerate the production of a new Unilever site. 

The above screengrab shows the expected output of the Site Wizard process - a brand-specific set of templates and full site structure, that can be themed and altered to create a  

To get to this stage, a Brand will initially have to make a number of selections regarding the specific they are creating, for example:

  • Which Starter Kit will form the template basis of the specific
  • What the name of the Brand is
  • What the tagline of the specific brand or site is
  • What category the specific brand is in at Unilever
  • Which market the specific is in
  • The language that the site will be written in