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Glossary Terms

Term Description
Accordion A specific Atomic Component on AEM Starter Kit that allows large amounts of information to be contained and cascaded on a page as the user requires
Composite  A reusable piece of content created within the Experience Fragments section of AEM, that can be used on pages to create new user experiences. Using composites creates a copy of the created item and so any changes made to the composite are not inherited through to previous uses. Typical uses are hero images, teaser components & promotional components.
Content Nodes  The structure for how content is organised within AEM Starter Kit. This usually follows the Brands > Default > Locale > Home hierachy
Creative Exchange The process through which front-end code can be exported from AEM Starter Kit to an offline local location for editing purposes and also viewed in a static HTML file. This can then be imported back to AEM Starter Kit once complete
DAM Digital Asset Management - the repository for all assets (images, video) stored directly on AEM Starter Kit
NASK North American Starter Kit - the first Starter Kit to be developed on the platform, contained UX and functionality tailored to North American market brands
Page Editor The area of AEM Starter Kit where pages can be authored
Page Wizard The process through which new pages can be created on AEM Starter Kit
Parent/Child A relationship between pieces of content on AEM Starter Kit, where one piece (the child) would be considered a subordinate of another piece (the parent). For example, if there was a product variant (eg. a 200ml bottle of a 100ml standard), the 100ml could be considered the parent and the 200ml the child.
PIM/PDX Sheet An excel document containing the product catalogue for a specific This contains all product data attributes and is ingested into AEM Starter Kit to automatically generate product detail and landing pages.
Playground A content node on AEM Starter Kit that is built for agencies and brands to use functionality in a safe environment. Usually this is refreshed every 24 hours back to a default blueprint.
Product Tag A piece of metadata attached to a product that informs search and also other functionality (ie. related products etc)
Snippet A reusable piece of content created under the Content > Snippet folder that can be used throughout a site. As opposed to Composites, any changes made to Snippets are automatically inherited through to all pages that have used it. Its most common use is for Headers/Footers.
Stamp Out The process of taking a set of brand agnostic templates and adding brand-specific Styling and Integrations, without changing any of the page structure or capability.



Starter Kit 



A set of templates owned and managed by a particular Unilever market or category. May also refer to the Starter Kit Platform - see below
Starter Kit Platform The AEM-based technology which provides the capability required to build Brand.coms
Tags Individual piece of metadata that can be attached to content items to inform search or other functionality (ie. dynamic listing components). Tags are generated through the Taxonomy import process and are automatically attached to products through the PDX ingestion process.
Taxonomy The content structure for the site that informs search & also the tagging structure for all content. This is ingested into AEM Starter Kit as a csv file.