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Highly Reusable Components

Starter Kit has a set of reusable Atomic Components, together with pre-built Composites and Third Party integrations.

Content & Layout

Our components offer a wide range of content needs, from simple text and images, to videos and social media plugins. Also, you can structure your pages using the Layouts. This gives the marketer enormous power to creative and change the content as they need.

Component Variants

Rather than having lots of different components that are slight variations of the same thing, we have variants. These are configurable adaptations of the core components. For example an Article List might show all items in simple onle-column list or it could display all data in three-column list: this would be a "variant" of our Article List component. There are a set of out-of-the-box variants which come with all our components, and you can of course create your own variants. The author simple chooses which variant they want when they place the component.


All our components are designed to be as skinnable as possible. We know that you will be placing them in all sorts of different designs and contexts, and you will want them to look totally different from site to site. That's why we have worked hard to make the HTML as standard as possible, so that when the CSS and Javascript is applied by the Theme developer the components don't fall over.

Robust & Responsive

We know that our components must work on desktop, mobile and tablet. They must work whether placed in a full width or narrow column, regardless of what else is on the page. You may want to have many instances of the same component on the same page. No problem, our components are robust and tested to work in as many scenarios as possible.

For a complete listing of all Atomic Components, Composites and Third Party Integrations  and detailed description of their use go to our components section.