Sub page

There are a few key differences between the North American & Global Starter Kits, which are based mostly on the Market Standards 

Header/Footer & PDP Experience 


  • SmartLabel is used for North America, not for Global
  • North America has Where to buy navigation item, but this is not supported on Global
  • North America has the Shoppable BIN experience, with the shopping cart in the Header 


PDP Template

  • The Ratings & Reviews provider is BazaarVoice for NA and Kritique for Global
  • The Buy It Now experience is Shoppable for NA and multiple other vendors (Cartwire etc) for Global

Extended PDP Experience 

Product Detail Page Tabs 

  • Ingredients are provided by SmartLabel for NA, but not for Global
  • Ratings & Reviews are provided by BazaarVoice for NA and Kritique for Global
  • Community Q&A experience is provided by Turnto for NA and this is not available for Global



Product Quick View & Contact Us boxes

Product Quick View

  • Ratings & Reviews experience is BazaarVoice in NA and Kritique for Global
  • Buy It Now (BIN) experience is Shoppable in NA and other providers (Cartwire etc.) for Global

Contact Us Boxes

  • IRI Store Locator is only applicable for NA and is not present on Global 




Contact Us Form

Contact Us Fields 

  • Contain NA Market Standard Fields for NA and Market-specific standards for Global
  • IRI Store Locator will not be present on the right hand pane for GLobal




Sign Up Form

Sign Up Fields 

  • Exact fields for all countries will depend upon Market Standards