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Change the way you build the sites forever!


Build the majority of yor website out of the box with Zen Garden. Unless you need a space ship then we suggest a dedicated solution.


Unless you need a spaceship then we suggest a dedicated solution. I do not want a spaceship! That is a great, send us an email.


Whatever you cannot do, we can. And we will do it for you!Have brilliant and innovative idea? Our engineers love them. I want to stand out!


Zen Garden is the one and only. Feel interested?

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Our clients say

"I went to Hawaii with my family when the development started and when I got back two weeks later it was already done! Zen Garden is extremely fast!"

Tim Chef, CEO Pear Inc

"Zen Garden solves all our problems. Highly recommended to everyone who looks for platform for developing multiple sites in no time!"

Saed Nutella, Hardmacro Industries