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Embed an interactive map with a Google Map component. This feature utilizes Google Maps API to deliver a great visitor experience on contact information pages, store locators, and any other places where you need to present geographic locations.

With the Google Map component you can configure exactly the map you need. You can control the map type and size, initial zoom, and location markers and shapes, as well as specify which interface options (like zoom controls, or street view feature) should be available.

Flexible map interface

You can specify which interface options (like zoom or pan controls, street view, or map mode) should be enabled. This can be done for each map separately, so you can make sure that the level of interaction matches the needs of a specific map.

Location markers

Add one or many locations to be marked on your map. Each point can be named and have a description added (shown when hovering over or clicking the point, respectively). It is possible to define and use custom marker icons.

Features and Options

  • Point the map to chosen coordinates and set initial zoom
  • Specify width and height of the map
  • Add location markers
  • Map Component Guide

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