Sub page

Every website, even the simplest brochure-ware, requires a web forms. Contact us form, request a demo form, event subscribe... you name them all. Starter Kit couldn't call itself an accelerator if it did not support web forms. Starter Kit provides Authorable form controls that fit nicely with the overall experience.


Please give us your feedback using this form.

Personal Information
Feedback Information

By accepting the terms you agree with your personal data being shared with other companies and used for statistic purposes.

Let them type...

The simplest field is just a text box. Single-lines are perfect to enter simple data. Use multi-lines if you expect your viewers to write longer stories


...or let them select

You user will appreciate if you provide them with list of available options in the drop down.


...and always validate

You can check the input before submitting. Pick one of exisitng pattern, e.g. e-mail address, or write your own.


Form inputs can also use layouting for more complex forms

Features and Options

  • Store your forms separately for each tenant and market.
  • Copy an exisitng form or create a brand new one from scratch.
  • Multiple fields types avaiable for editors.
  • Mail sent to a specified receiver once the form is submitted