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  • cq.jquery
  • cq.shared
  • cq.ckeditor


Standardised set of components

Components are the building blocks of any website and Zen Garden comes with over 20 highly flexible and re-useable components.

 These components should cover 90% of all requirements for regular websites which will reduce or remove the normally substantial development time required to build or enhance components.

Non-Zen Garden components

There is still 10% of users requirements which we cover by enabling out of ZenGarden components usage.


How to enable Social Comments component

Step 1. Configuration

We need to add components path to configuration page.

Path to be added: /libs/social/commons/components/hbs/comments

Step 2. Enable component on author page

Open page in Design mode.

Click Edit on any parsys desing bar. 

From the list choose Comments component (group Communities)

Step 3. Place component on page

Simply drag and drop Comments component from Communities group.

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